Movila Weekly 幕帷拉電影週記




Tuesday, October 11, 2005

無責任幕帷拉短褲獎(沒錢的)提名入選名單 < NEW

今天連同阿 Sven 和老師到 Help Institute 看了集馬來西亞十位獨立電影製作人的短片展,如今以下各幕帷拉短褲獎開始接受提名,請大家踴躍參與:

(JW: 一個鏡頭直落,雖然有點 Shaky, 沒陳嘉上《A1頭條》long shot 的氣勢,但勇氣可嘉。)
(JW: 為維持我們秉持的高水準要求,這十部片子的錄音都還不到基本準繩,故此從缺。)
(JW: 理由同上,我不認為用 MIDI keyboard 胡亂彈奏的亂響叫音樂,但這是個人感受。)
(JW: 可以亂真的3D甲蟲動畫,值回票價!)
(JW: 服裝經得起 Close Up 考驗,許多細節都有照顧。)
(JW: 桶內外鏡頭一Pan而過,可見道具組的用心,把桶鋸開。可惜後來女角開桶而出,難道導演怕觀眾不知道他們的用心?但此舉卻把用心變成玩笑,是一大敗筆。)
1: 李添興《有時愛恨美》
(JW: 十二分鐘內清楚交待四角愛情習題,顯見編劇功力。結尾處打錯字,跟據老李的網站, 中文片名應該是《有時愛很美》)
2: 楊嘉仁《蘑菇兄弟》
(JW: 以連串對話嚴密地將四名同窗老友的愛恨情仇細細說明,雖篇幅很長,卻不累贅,有喜怒哀樂,唯老莊的演技還需磨煉﹣﹣否則那場貓兒教自己大便的戲會更精彩!)
1: Lor Yew Mien;《有時愛恨美》(原名:《有時愛很美》)的電單車女
(JW: 不發一言的情感...贊!)
2: 陳翠梅;Flower 裡的妓女
(JW: 媚態可圈可點)。
3: 小學同學;《蘑菇兄弟》裡何宇恆在 Seven Eleven 外遇到的不知名女演員。
1: 德叔;《阿君和婷婷》
(JW: 謝謝阿農提名!)
2: Mr Conman; Majidee
(無名氏說:cos dat con man acting skill vey good, u still dunno if he's true or he's fake, his expression n acting is flawless, he din run away after he gets d money, he even stood to wave at d boy.)
1: 陳翠梅;《有時愛恨美》(原名:《有時愛很美》)
(JW: 木訥表情但勝在靚!哈哈哈!)
2: Kiew Suet Kim; Secret Past
(JW: 老師認為她收放自如的眼淚有點演技。)
1: 劉成達; It's Possible Your Heart Cannot Be BrokenFlower
(JW: 演技自然生動,是以突出。)
(無名氏說:in Flower, "cos he + nanny in d room, cos he xxx nanny, cos he kiss d nanny.")
2: 何宇恆;《蘑菇兄弟》
(JW: 粗話說得理所當然、誰與爭鋒?)
(JW: 場景拿捏準確,還有稍作 Timing 的色基,有點製作水準。)
(JW: Flower Power 奶奶出招,暴笑連場!)
(JW: 咱們寧為玉碎、不為瓦全,只好等下一個 Screening 罷!其實 Follow Me 是有機會得這個獎的,但是...)
終生卓越成就獎:Flower 裡的婆婆的真情坦蕩忘年演出。

1: Sometimes love is beautiful,
2: la invitation,
3: Secret Past,
4: Majidee.
(LMS: 我先來說最爛的作品吧!我覺得有三部不分軒輊,就是他們給人的感覺就是很零碎,不連貫,基本訓練不足,卻要去「藏」起故事。)
( JW: 嗯... Secret Past 夠爛。我同意。La Invitation 也一樣爛。有時愛恨美只是中級爛。我覺得 Majidee 也爛。)

其他有關於這短片展的 Link:


49 評論:

Blogger H 說...



11:21 AM  
Blogger fox 說...




12:04 PM  
Blogger JerryWho 說...



這是 Camera Operator 沒有把說明書看完的通病。由於不是很清楚他們的製作流程,所以只能從影片觀察一些端倪:
1: 懶 ﹣ 背光過多就應該遮蔽呀!
2: Budget ﹣三幾良朋一起搞小電影,人手就那三幾良朋,沒閒錢找專業人士。
3: 沒用Reference Monitor調亮度。
4: Projector 素質有問題。
5: 另一方面,現在市面上流行的 miniDV Camcorder 都不容易作 Manual Overide ﹣真的得把說明書看完。


12:35 PM  
Blogger fox 說...


12:44 PM  
Blogger fox 說...


10:25 PM  
Blogger JerryWho 說...

沒問題,我家的calibrated screen準就行了!

1:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous 說...

i personally think that all the films are made for the directors' own pleasure without slightest regard to the audience's feelings. Without reference to the synopsis, it is almost impossible for the audience to relate the movie to any meaning.

2:33 PM  
Blogger JerryWho 說...

mr/miss anonymous,

that's the thing, and people actually pay to go watch the mass masturbation. sometimes i wonder if these people want to be understood at all.

nevertheless, i think the group of local filmmakers who make understandable films should come together and screen their films.

we are organising a small preview of films at my place. whoever you are, you can leave a contact and let us know if you want to come watch the films.

5:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous 說...






8:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous 說...


10:14 PM  
Blogger JerryWho 說...




哈哈哈... 還得給自己留餘地?而且,東西就是這樣,拿出來給人看,就得面對好或壞的評語。





10:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous 說...



12:40 AM  
Blogger JerryWho 說...

哦~是看不順 mass masturbation 的眼。




12:54 AM  
Blogger H 說...

jerry的态度是很欠扁没错,但他这论调:「近族通婚多產怪胎。基因如此,創作亦然。 」不无道理。





2:43 AM  
Blogger JerryWho 說...

哈哈哈~ 阿Sven剛問我要不要收回我那句「自慰」的話。我跟他說,等我找到替代字眼再說。



3:33 AM  
Blogger fox 說...



8:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous 說...

whilst "the flower" is quite direct and understandable but it doesnt suit my taste. having said that, i admire the director's courage and detrmination to make such a film. moreover, this film received applause from the floor on the nite i went to the festival.

unless u wanna make independent short film forever or ji2 ti3 zi4 shuang3 (mass masturbation- what an analogy by jerry) forever, otherwise a movie maker must take the audience's feeling into account.

10:06 AM  
Blogger JerryWho 說...

dear anonymous,

in my circle of friends, the term "mass xxx" is not too harsh to be accepted as comments are taken with a pinch of salt. especially from people like us who like to shock with words and see the effects later.

as critics in the West have used even harsher words. i don't know if this is a good or bad thing; do we need to take care of the feelings of our tender filmmakers as well? as shocking as their films were to us, my words are to them, perhaps?

what's your nomination for best film then?

提名將在本地時間 10pm 結束。

10:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous 說...

jerry and chui mui,

my group also made a film for astro competition and we all opine that it's so fun and economically viable to make it an regular business/hobby.

but the prerequisite is that we hv to target to go big and not just doing cai ming liang's style of films. we're looking at quentin tarantini/ christopher nolan/ M. Night Shamalan.

good story / screenplay is the key. so some of us now will be systematically producing movie scripts whilst others are saving moneys for the next film. each short film is budgeted at around rm1k (its so low bec' we hv friends who can get the ga1 chang1).

still long way to go...

these few days I have been browsing the internet and lingering around this blog and i discovered that there are two forces/ species exist in this little tiny circle.

jeff, on one side, makes ghost movie (representing understandable movies); whereas james lee, chui mui & co make art movies (representing hard to understand (if not unexplainable) movies). i m so freakin excited.

11:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous 說...

i din finish watching all the films, so i'm not qualified to vote. hee hee...

11:21 AM  
Blogger JerryWho 說...

welcome britney!

to this wild wild west of local filmmaking!

there is actually a third group: those who quietly watch and observe. the professionals who have all the required skills and techniques but without the time to sit down and produce films for fun sake.

given time, you'll understand this: the people who began life learning the ropes to be good at the fields of production typically become so good, they have to give up their professional life in order to do something they like.

How many times have you seen a good story/screenplay goes to waste because of bad execution?

Let me give you an analogy:

Do you play piano?

When I studied piano many, many years ago, I had to star from doing the scales. practising day in, day out. getting caned for making mistakes.

Why? because that routine strengthens your skills and ability to play effortlessly.

When your technicality becomes so good, and that very technique will begin to blend in to your art form.


when it becomes a part of your visual thinking, compositionally, the issue of camera movements blurs into creativity.

technically, the short films shown have their merits.

i don't like to flatter people, and those who are good know they are good. but if a pat on the back is all they wanted, they have been given enough pats on each others back.

genetically, there isn't much cross pollination among local filmmakers. but in high art, there shouldn't be much to talk about, except techniques.

i have never considered myself a filmmaker, but my journalistic background included film reviews and i had my time with both commercial and artistic filmmakers from around the world.

my take on this is simple: one day, when even the toughes critic has nothing bad to say about you, then, it's time you look for an even tougher critic, because that's the way you improve.

filmmaking should be fun.

so, keep going at it. and some day, those who are really uptight will really learn to relax a bit.

1:21 PM  
Blogger JerryWho 說...

online polling? 讓我想想法子...

1:24 PM  
Blogger Seven 說...


另外,身为鼓励大家讨论来自 的一分子的我非常开心大家来到这里讨论。希望大家写上名字或者blog又或电邮。我们的希望是有精彩的短片播映会我们支持同时也希望有个精彩的讨论空间。播映会结束时间很晚,大家来不及讨论,就可以上来这里讨论。


1:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous 說...

all human activities can be divided into two categories, it's either of self- improvement in nature or self- pleasuring.

it's rude but quite accurate to draw anology btw the latter and mass masturbation.

2:10 PM  
Blogger JerryWho 說...

hmmm... some people do things for no reason at all. so not all humans fall into two discreet categories.

self pleasure in mandarin, can be translated in to masturbation. this toy of words were not appreciated.

I'll apologise for being rude, but I'll say I see a plate when I see one. that's responsible journalism.

2:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous 說...

Liew Seng Tat as best actor in "flower"

4:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous 說...

Mr. Con Man in Majidee as best supporting actor.

4:49 PM  
Blogger H 說...


10:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous 說...

Where was kit ong man? His stuff woulda beat most of these shorts anytime. The Japanese one especially. I found a site screening it, watch for yourself and judge:

11:16 AM  
Blogger H 說...

haha, 据报导 Kit Ong 正在制作他的无声长片,将于12月左右完成。

11:26 AM  
Blogger secret 說...

save the malaysia film industry!!!
Do you think those short film can develope our malaysia film??
Can any of those short film director answer me do you think your short film is good ??

1:46 AM  
Blogger JerryWho 說...

you have asked a very deep question.

this question is so deep, you need to dip into the industry itself and ask yourself this other question:

the e-village, remember the big media hoo haa when Jackie Chan came to launch the project?

malaysia's so-called universal studio?

the local filmmakers are pockets of people of similar coloured feathers doing things separately. it's a good thing to see these 10 people coming together to do something.

for better or worse, this is a show of unity.

but is this good enough?

2:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous 說...

Dear all,

I'm collecting short films for the following film festival.

Please send the materials required to me at the following address:

-entry form ( download from the festival website)

Tan Chui Mui
118A,Jalan Sultan Abdul Samad,
off Jalan Tun Sambanthan,
50470 Kuala Lumpur.

Tel: 03-2273 9496

1. 52th Oberhausen International Short Film Festival

send to me before 15th November.

2. 28th Clermont-Ferrand International Short

send to me by 16th October.

3. 35th Rotterdam International Film Festival

send to me before 19th October.


1:17 PM  
Blogger secret 說...

i agreed that the local filmmakers are pockets of people of similar coloured feathers doing things separately then i hope others type of director come out and show malaysia not only like that.If......the industry only such that ppl making Jerry do you think that will help the industry? It will again dissappointed malaysia ppl and then they wouldn't support malaysia filmaker. NO AUDIENT NO FILM
If you think your film is good enough then you show;if not please dun beg ppl to support you. involved at that time.Do you know what happen now?
Goverment spent alot of money to do the opening ONLY,then is closed after that and somemore owed many contructor's money...HAHA that the different between our s and the singpore,korea,thai and so.....

3:06 PM  
Blogger JerryWho 說...

If you take a walk in Mid Valley City and passed by the Cinema on the top floor on a generic weekend. You'd notice queues as long as those in front of Disneyland Tokyo Ticketing Booths.

We HAVE an audience. But do we have anything to show?

Puteri Gunung Ledang?

The Chinese fimmakers have tried their best, working mainly for television (if you remember the heydays of HVD), and their skills improved as they learned from their mistakes.

But where are they now? Damien and Danny (HVD excutives) have moved their base to... yeah, you've guessed it CHINA!

The current incarnation of HVD is now in Shanghai.


Why have these people left Malaysia? Sebastian Foo was so gungho about making Malaysia Asia's production hub back in the 1993's before the idea of the 42 million ringgit evillage came about.

If you asked me, the "e" in evillage stands for "empty". -- evillage is literally an empty plot of land next to a village known as Cyberjaya.

Over the years, different people with different titles (such as Dato' or Tan Seri) came up with different ideas and had FINAS and RTM do different things.

But have you noticed Malaysia's mainstream filmmaking industry changes direction every FOUR years?

We do have an audience, unfortunately, we don't have a strong united force to dictate the market forces.

Hollywood, or Bollywood or even Hong Kong's film industry do not rely on hand-outs from the government in order to survive.

They have become a community of filmmakers, yes, they might fight between each other in courts to settle their rights issues, but when it comes to threats that affect the industry as a whole, they stand united.


I'll leave that thought with you.

4:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous 說...

mui, diu mind to be the coordinator/ liaison officer for submissions of shorts to international shorts fetivals?

just googled "international short film festival", and i found, among others, the following:-

4:17 PM  
Blogger JerryWho 說...


mui has a day job, you know?

what do you say? you game for it? mui?

4:43 PM  
Blogger secret 說...

i agreed that we must united.But then we must do the good movie to attract our local audient(especilly chinese).malay industry even have blockbuster movie on cinema,where is our chinese movie on cinema??
if we continue to do such disunderstand movie,who going to pay money to watch or investor to invest.
there are many good filmakers in television industry,but will the "short film"director agreed with them?No...(as i know from my tv director friend)
In tv like u say HVD..their skills i can say is mature but " the short film company"agree ith that?? In their shorts no skills at all,they dun care about story,dun care about acting.dun care about music,what they care?like u said mass masturbation.
So how unity between this two gang of ppl?
So im not agree that u said they are unity....they are rounding their small circle .
im here to invite the filmakers do their best works,the industry needs you.

4:58 PM  
Blogger JerryWho 說...

Mr Wong,

I think you have misunderstood my previous comment.

When I said the people were unite, I was referring to the professionals in the various moviemaking centres of the world.

Are we united?

I know sometimes people with different ideology cannot tolerate each other. So it is only natural that people with similar ideologies stick together to do the things they like to do together.

People like HVD are market driven; they have a huge overhead, and must strive to survive in the politically driven market space that is the norm of the Malaysia's industry.

Some of the tele-movies they made are meant for screening in China. So, they have tried to make films for the bigger screens, in fact, they have won some film awards in China, I remember Celene told me once, about the films that did well in China.

To be fair to the directors of the Company Of Shorts, they do care about the quality of their film -- trust me, I have seen some works a year ago, and there are improvements.

The truth of the matter is the subject matter close to the heart of the directors are sometimes very personal, which makes it very hard for outsiders to understand.

If you remember almost ten years ago, Singapore produced a movie about army life called Army Daze that sold really well in the island country, but it flopped badly cross borders.

Why? because the jokes and scenes are close to the hearts of Singaporeans (all able Singaporean men serve in the army, one time or another), it was difficult for foreign viewers to appreciate the film.

So, Singaporean learned.

Are we learning?

or, do we want to learn at all? Simply because this is "Art" and it's the audience's fault if they don't try to understand the film?

I remember I attended one Taiwan Film Festival years ago, I came out of the cinema puzzled about the story.

But people around me acted as if they understood the film.

Such, is the status of the 2 biggest camps of the industry.

One question: are you from the industry? or, are you in the industry?

5:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous 說...

Run sheng’s comments centre at his worries that if msian film makers keep making “hard- to – understand” kind of movies, it may result in lost of confidence of the audience, thus bringing bad impact on the msian film making development. And jerry, as I observe so far, is also determined to make some “understandable” movies wherein he has even invited us to his preview sometime in near future.

On the other side of the planet, there is this one other force led by Shorts Sdn Bhd, which loves making artistic and “hard- to- understand” kind of movies. They aim to film something with considerable deepness and uniqueness (preferably something never been used in any conventional film before, like shooting from the actors’ backs almost thru out the whole movie). Fortunately, some international short film festivals kinda like their stuff. And now they are the pioneers in terms of participating global shorts festivals and are generally regarded highly by other film makers. But there’s just one thing about them, most audience don’t get to understand the movies they made.

To reconcile this situation, we must inject some deepness & uniqueness into the “understandable movies” and make the “hard- to- understand” movie a little bit more audience- acceptable.

Why not let the technical ppl (director, photography…) in “Party Understandable- Movies” shoot a film based on the scripts written by ppl from “Party Hard- to- Understand- Movies” ; and vice versa (forgive my insistence to make things clearer- let the technical ppl (director, photography…) in “Party Hard- to- Understand- Movies” shoot a film based on the scripts written by ppl from “Party Understandable- Movies” ).


5:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous 說...

i can tell run sheng is surely from and still in the industry. man, look at his passionate tone...!

5:59 PM  
Blogger JerryWho 說...

so... brit, u have any good story to share?

6:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous 說...

perhaps we can discuss this in a more timely fashion when we finally meet up.

but pls be prepared to accept what i really am... (if u know what i mean)

8:23 PM  
Blogger secret 說...

yup,im in the industry.
im not rejected the art movies,but i hope that our industry not only that kind of movies.
art movies can be easy to understand and accepted by audient.
if the ppl in the industry also cannot accepted ,how about the other audient?
i have many friends not into our local movies bcoz the quality,if we can produce a good movie they will support us.
Mention again.....GOOD matter art movie or others.

8:25 PM  
Blogger JerryWho 說...


lets do something, then!

one of my foot is in the local industry, though i have never made dramatic films. i have produced mainly documentaries that focuses on human stories.

our products are sold as real products into hong kong and china.

personally, i believe in producing professionally products with market viability.

so, it doesn't matter to me if its artistic or or commercial, as long as they are made in good taste.

10:00 PM  
Blogger JerryWho 說...

Dear Britney, Mr Wong and All!

Send Me Your Contacts if you are serious about meeting up.

Mail Me

2:58 PM  
Blogger JerryWho 說...

Dear Kang Kang,

Perhaps, you should get to know us better so you'll understand why we said what we said. And even better, take a look at the comments and see who started the fire burning.

Frankly, I am a little disappointed when you said we were "shooting" people. But are we shooting anyone? No names were mentioned, and I focused mainly on technicalities (this is where all of us can improve upon).

The fact that I took the trouble to do the poll (html coding is no joke) is our way of gauging the local industry in our very small way, and our way of supporting the industry.

Anyway, thanks for your comment, Movila Weekly started out as a movie review blog, and we intend to keep it that way.

And if you have been reading movie reviews from all over the world, you'll realised the language has never been "polite" in Malaysian standards.

The thing is, if I see a bowl, I'll tell you it's a bowl I saw. I have done this to major studios, and I will do this to anyone, because that's the way reviewers work.

Here, no Favouritism will be given to anyone, even if you are just starting out. But then again, isn't it sweeter, if one day, your works won praises from tough critics like yours truly?

(I am sure some people will come and "attack" this comment if they read this)

10:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous 說...

Dear Jerrywho,
i stil young,n i tin i use some misunderstanding word on my previous message,i should not use the word "shoot"sorry bout it.u r give a good comment especially in technical part,i support wat u say "I'll tell you it's a bowl I saw. "
trough tis message i tin i knw u more n i should read more movie review...u is a good reviewer.
actually sometim i confused,i jz like u last time,i give a comment on my senior job cos it really bad but some of them scold me not respect them as a senior,n some1 say i done a good njob...i knw tis world cant b balance at all...
I love ppl critical my work cos i can learn more from the ppl who are giving feedback to me.through de message u reply i tin i knw u more.
i knw Movila Weekly started out as a movie review blog, so sorry til nw i not yet post my movie review.But i really seeking help from u all so pls take a look at the forum to help us imporve in penang!
sorry cos til second message also not yet start my comment 4 tis 10 short film.i wil write it out later but pls pls pls take a look at tis forum
10s q

12:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous 說..., hope its not too late.

11:16 PM  

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